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Oil and gas

Wide-ranging experience in the sector

Industry necessary to obtain energy

The oil industry is a fundamental pillar of the global economy and energy generation. For this reason, it has an enormous international infrastructure. Oil, one of the most extensive non-renewable sources of energy in the world, is extracted from it.

In this sense, the oil and gas industry covers 57% of the energy needs of the global population; oil extractive activities are mainly applied in the industrial sector. However, obtaining these resources represents a very large effort because it requires, in general terms, the drilling of wells, extraction, as well as the treatment of these natural elements.

It is worth mentioning that a wide variety of petrochemical and hydrocarbon products are obtained from this industry, such as TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons), LP gas, among others. These elements are used in a series of processes and products of widespread consumption - plastics, fertilizers, cosmetics (which include substances derived from petroleum), textiles, paints, among others.

Growth of the energy market

From the economic aspect, the world energy market continues to develop and expand. Therefore, various companies around the world are developing technologies to increase production in the oil and gas industry

Thus, the extraction of these resources is carried out in a generalized way in the world, however, the Middle East and Latin America represent the areas where the most extensive oil deposits are concentrated worldwide in comparison with other regions of the world.

Agitation represents in this industry, a regular procedure in its extraction and processing. That is to say, it is carried out from beginning to end: from exploration to the commercialization of the derived products.

At Autmix we are committed to the quality and optimization of your processes. Contact us to find the industrial agitator that fits your processes in the oil industry.

Think about your process; we take care of the rest.

Reduce your operating costs