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Water treatment

Wide-ranging experience in the sector

Industry specialized in water reuse methods

Industry specialized in water reuse methods.

Therefore, water treatment consists of removing pollutant material generated as a consequence of domestic and industrial use. This process reduces the pollutant impact and allows reuse in human activities.

Types of wastewater treatment

Similarly, there are three variants of wastewater treatment: physical, chemical and biological.

Physical treatment

It is used to remove large matter. It has the following stages:

  • Roughing
  • Sedimentation
  • Filtration
  • Flotation

Chemical treatment

It removes biodegradable organic matter, reduces the stability of colloidal particles to remove them.

Among the phases of this process are:

  • Coagulation
  • Flocculation
  • Decanting

Biological treatment

Pollutants are removed by biological activity.

Among the most commonly used processes we can identify the following:

  • Spray filters
  • Active sludge
  • Stabilization
  • Aerated lagoons

As we can see, this treatment has several stages in which industrial mixers are of utmost importance.

At Autmix we are committed to the quality and optimization of your processes —in agitation and mixing, process engineering and data processing—. Contact us to find the solution that fits your processes in the wastewater treatment industry.

Think about your process; we take care of the rest.

Reduce your operating costs