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Wide-ranging experience in the sector

Necessary sector in the automotive and design industry

The paint industry is a sector in constant growth. Although, in recent years it has taken relevance in consumer goods due to trends in interior design, its use is not limited only to this application.

Previously, the use of paint was limited to very specific fields, however, the market has diversified over time; there is a considerable increase in its use in many different fields, among which we can mention some as the automotive industry, manufacturing, to a smaller scale as mentioned above as in the decoration.

Paint manufacturing process

Thus, the range of products is extensive; the majority of this type of sector is complemented by the oil industry.

It is worth mentioning the following stages in the paint manufacturing process:


Consists of the dissolution of the pigment, in powder form, with the binder and additives. For this purpose, specialized equipment such as an industrial agitator with a mobile suitable for high viscosity products is required.

Reduction and shading

Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, more pigment is added in order to achieve the desired intensity and color.


Suspended elements are eliminated and the final packaging is carried out.

Among the products generated in this industry are: inks, pigments, paints, varnishes, among others. In Autmix we have solutions in agitation and mixing processes with high shear capacity mobiles, such as the Cowles disc and the Gamma profile ideal for executing these procedures in the paint industry.

We understand the need for specialized equipment for the paint industry. Contact us to provide you with the agitation solutions that fit your needs in this sector.

Think about your process; we take care of the rest.

Reduce your operating costs